
Home Forums eaDocX queries Excel report Add-in: What’s an Excel named range and how do I update fields?

Home Forums eaDocX queries Excel report Add-in: What’s an Excel named range and how do I update fields?

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    Bob Messiaen


    I’m trying the excel addin and it does a wonderful job displaying charts but table range is a bit fuzzy:
    The link “What’s an Excel named range” doesn’t appears to be doing anything, and when I reopen the profile (double click as show profile doesn’t appears to be responding) it never saves changes I make to the chart forcing me to re-insert.

    Another issue is when I add to an existing document it gives a series of errors, I don’t see a profile being generated and general parameters are same as on a new document (how can I resolve that error?

    Thanks in advance for the reply

    Ian Mitchell

    Noteice that it has to be a Named Range. That’s something you do in Excel: i think you just select the area you want, then right-click and choose ‘DEfine Name’, or something like that. Then eaDocX will use that name to fetch the data and put it into the report.

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