
Experienced Modelers

Giving you more time to focus on the stuff that matters

Setting standards for your team

As an experienced modeler you are a valuable team member. Not only do you know your way around EA, you also understand the business, and how to model it correctly. That means you are in demand.

But not just for doing your day-job. There are other tasks that come with the territory. Maybe you get involved in checking other modelers work. Maybe you are the ‘go-to-person’ in the team, for advice and help. And those other activities mean that you have less time to do what you are supposed to.

With Model Expert you can put your knowledge and best practice inside EA in a reference model. Then it is available to everyone so they can check their own work or be guided to model correctly. All without interrupting you.

Making a Reference Model

  • Choose a part of the model that illustrates your best practice.
  • Let Model Expert save it as a Reference Model.
  • Then edit it: tidy up the stereotypes and connectors, add required fields to elements, specify packages for re-usable elements, create simplified element property UIs, and add links to your organisations modelling help.
  • Apply that reference model to the relevant package in EA.

As modelers start to work in that package, the help and prompts will be delivered to them real-time. Making them, and you, more productive.

More about guided modelling

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Take a free, no obligation, 30-day trial of Model Expert.  Model Expert is part of eaTeamWorks, so you can also trial eaDocX, Revision Manager, eaSheets and PortfolioManager. Plus free for life features. Discover for yourself why it’s the world’s best-selling Enterprise Architect extension.
