
Home Forums eaDocX queries Can’t create a eaDocX document Re: Can’t create a eaDocX document

Home Forums eaDocX queries Can’t create a eaDocX document Re: Can’t create a eaDocX document

eadocX Support

Hi Peter326,
There are a few reasons why this might not work: the most obvious one looking at the code is where your Word document doesn’t contain a style called “Normal” (initial capital letter).
We thought this was the name of the built-in, default Word style, and so will appear in all Word documents, but perhaps we’re wrong.

Does your document have a style ‘Normal’? If not, worth creating one and trying again.

Also, if ‘Normal’ is not there, what styles do you have? Look like we’ve been caught out again making assumpions about MS Word. .

Also, what langauge do you use for Word? Perhaps it’s a national language thing?


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