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Home Forums eaDocX queries Order of elements

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  • #6180
    Julie Keyes

    I have ticked the “Allow free sorting” option in EA so that I can order the elements outside of the default element type grouping i.e. in my business process documents I want the activies and decisions to appear in the same order as they appear in my diagram instead of having all the decisions grouped at the end.

    When I generate a RTF document it correctly reflects the order of the elements in the project browser but when I generate a eaDocX document it still groups the elements within the default element type grouping ie. all decisions at the end. Within these groupings it has correctly reflected my element order.

    I have seen a previous post about the API not knowing of the order changes and it recommends to manually change the order of one of the elements, which I have done and as I said it has correctly reflected the correct order within the element groupings.

    I can also see a Sorting tab in the profile element definitions and I select “Use sorting from EA(Default)” although it doesn’t seem to save my selection as when I go back it nothing is selected. But the help states that it is the default.

    I am running EA 9.1.909 and eaDocX

    eadocX Support

    Well spotted 🙂
    A while ago, I added some code to make some document look a bit better when no sort order was defined, but I’d forgotten that the EA ‘Allow Free Sorting’ would negate this.

    I think I’ve fixed your problem in, now available on the website.

    Many thanks

    Julie Keyes

    I downloaded your new version, deleted and then inserted the section and it still does not reflect the project browser order.

    eadocX Support

    Can you email a fragment of your model to, and I’ll have a look. I really thought I’d nailed this one…..

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