
Home Forums eaDocX queries Section with multiple UseCase causes exception

Home Forums eaDocX queries Section with multiple UseCase causes exception

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  • #6215

    I have a model with several packages, each containing around 8 UseCases with structured scenario descriptions.
    If I create a section (by adding the package, containing the use cases) and generate that section, I get an error message.
    “Section xyz could not be generated” (Draft) or the “exit EA and try again” error message, when using the “Full” generation.

    Funy enough, each use case itself can be generated, but I’d like to avoid adding a section for each use case…

    Any ideas?


    Some more facts:
    I am using EA V9.0 Corporate Edition, eaDocx Trial and the default UseCase template.


    Hi eeo,

    Please can you send your XMI file or an extract of it, and if possible a copy of your problematic document, to so we can produce the problem ourselves in order to resolve it?



    email sent. This is the output of the logger:

    eaDocX Trace Information

    27.09.2012 08:20:18 – Generator started: eaDocX Version
    27.09.2012 08:20:18 – Generator setting: Full
    27.09.2012 08:20:18 – Deleting existing bookmarks from document
    27.09.2012 08:20:18 – Starting generating section Section1
    27.09.2012 08:20:18 – Generating Section: Section1
    27.09.2012 08:20:18 – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, u_____
    27.09.2012 08:20:18 – Gen>>CommonInlinePackage, u_____
    27.09.2012 08:20:19 – Gen>>CommonInlineUseCase, Set an Event Name
    27.09.2012 08:20:19 – Gen>>SubElementCollection starting
    27.09.2012 08:20:19 – Gen>>SubElementCollection starting
    27.09.2012 08:20:19 – Gen>>SubElementCollection starting
    27.09.2012 08:20:19 – Gen>>SubElementCollection starting
    27.09.2012 08:20:19 – Gen>>SubElementCollection starting
    27.09.2012 08:20:19 – Gen>>SubElementCollection starting
    27.09.2012 08:20:19 – Gen>>SubElementCollection starting
    27.09.2012 08:20:19 – Gen>>SubElementCollection starting
    27.09.2012 08:20:19 – Gen>>SubElementCollection starting
    27.09.2012 08:20:19 – Gen>>CommonInlineUseCase, Get an Event Name
    27.09.2012 08:20:19 – Gen>>SubElementCollection starting
    27.09.2012 08:20:19 – Gen>>SubElementCollection starting
    27.09.2012 08:20:19 – Error generating document
    27.09.2012 08:20:19 – Error generating section Section1

    eadocX Support

    Please can you send a small XMI & document to, so we can reproduce the problem, and we will look at it as soon as possible.

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