
Home Forums eaDocX queries Class requirements don’t appear in document

Home Forums eaDocX queries Class requirements don’t appear in document

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  • #6274
    Mike Lucas


    I am attempting to generate a simple design document from a model and comparing the generated documents with those created using the EA RTF document generator. The simple design document needs to display class diagrams and the description and requirements fields for each class. I have managed to do this fairly easily with an EA RTF template but using eaDocX I can’t generate any requirements in the document, just a header. I’m clearly doing something wrong, any guidance would be greatly appreciated.



    Mike Lucas

    I think I have answered my own question! :blush:

    I’m using the trial licence at the moment to get a better understanding of what eaDocX can offer and slowly figuring out what to do. I’m not entirely sure why it wasn’t working using one of the predefined profiles but starting with a blank profile and adding in exactly what I need has worked.

    eadocX Support

    well done!

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