
Home Forums eaDocX queries Error in opening Excel Workbook Re: Error in opening Excel Workbook

Home Forums eaDocX queries Error in opening Excel Workbook Re: Error in opening Excel Workbook

Adrian Support

Hello Werner,

I have tried to reproduce your error without success although we don’t have a Windows 7 Enterprise edition to hand to test against the rest of the configuration is the same. FYI: the errors you are getting relate to some exceptions when we try to open Excel. So possibly need to add some instrumentation to get more detail from a small area of code.

But to start with a few more questions, if I may:

1. Can I verify that the version of Office 2007 is a full installation of Excel and not the ClickToRun version – we know there are problems with ClickToRun as Office may not have installed all the bits we need. We need to confirm that Excel is fully installed and accessible.

2. Do you get the same results regardless of how you try to open Excel e.g. if you use select a package in the project browser | Right click | Extensions | eaDocX | Open in Excel do you get the same errors

3. You say that you are getting the error on other machines – can you confirm that they are all the same configuration

We will update eaXL with some additional instrumentation ready to enable us to perform more checks should that be needed.


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