
Home Forums eaDocX queries Error in opening Excel Workbook Re: Error in opening Excel Workbook

Home Forums eaDocX queries Error in opening Excel Workbook Re: Error in opening Excel Workbook

Adrian Support

Hi Werner,

Many thanks for checking and confirming that changing the regional settings ensures that eaDocX works fine. I hope you like what you see and that you see how useful eaDocX can be.

And you are correct that we can make calls to Excel and specifying regional settings to overcome this issue; I did some simple tests using these API’s. However we still need to review all Use Cases relating to our interactions with Excel as well as ensure that in other environments we don’t have a negative impact. So still some checking to do; it could be a bit dangerous to just apply a quick fix – and potentially upset others;-)

Don’t have a date yet but will be flagged when we do.



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