
Home Forums eaDocX queries Sorting of elements

Home Forums eaDocX queries Sorting of elements

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  • #6470
    Theo van der Donk

    Two issues:

    A. If I define an inline element, where the “Name” attribute is used as header, I cannot use name to sort the elements on. If I select name, and press ok, the change is not saved. Only if I add Name as an attribute, I can select it for sorting (it appears twice in the drop-down list then). Is this meant by “sorting only allowed for printabed attributes” or is this a bug?

    B. If I define a sub-inline-element (relationships or relationship element), I cannot customize the ordering of these. Clicking the “AZ” button does nothing; the “Sorting” tab on top of the dialog is the same for the entire element (not per individual child relationship). I’d like to customize the ordering of relation-elements. According to the help this must be possible, but I do not see how.

    Issue A is quite annoying; issue B quite blocking, as my documentation is in random order.

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