
Home Forums eaDocX queries import single element to excel loses tagged values

Home Forums eaDocX queries import single element to excel loses tagged values

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  • #6482
    Wayne Stidolph

    Bug: If I import just a single element (a Requirement, in this case) into Excel via eaDocX it shows in Excel, but any tagged values on it do not appear in the eaDocX Columns list.

    If I import from the parent Package level, then its TV do properly come along (along with the Tagged Value Types set up in EA Settings | UML Types | TaggedValue Types, and some other Tagged Value types like CanVersion etc) – even if there is only one element in the Package.

    Probably a separate issue, but maybe related so I’ll include here – can’t get TV on an “owned by” Requirement. If I create a Req_1 with a child “contained” requirement (so Req_2 is”owned by” Req_1) then neither importing Req_1 as an element, nor Req_2 as an element, nor importing Req_2 by starting at Req_1 and selecting to import “children”, nor importing the enclosing package will get me Req_2’s TV.

    ea 10 build 1005
    windows 8 pro 64 bit
    excel 2010

    Adrian Support

    Thanks for reporting these issues, which on a quick check look like they are related – we will look into and come back soon.


    eaDocX support team

    eadocX Support

    I can’t seem to reproduce this error.
    My steps were:
    – Create a new Package
    – Open the Package in Excel (eaDocX | Open in Excel)
    – Added a new row, with type = Requirement, a name
    – added a new heading in the yellow bit: called TV1
    – added a value for the new TV “TV1 value”
    – saved back into EA

    The new Requirement element had the correct name, and a tagged-value ‘TV1’ with the value ‘TV1 value’
    I also tried your second example, and also didn’t manage to reproduce the error – so I’m probably doing something slightly different to you.
    Could you detail exactly the steps you took, what happened, and what you expected to happen, then I can reproduce.

    Wayne Stidolph

    The difference is that I start by creating the Requirement Req1 in EA, with a TV, then I right click on the Req1 in the package browser and select Extensions | eaDocX | Open in Excel | Element. Now look at the single-line spreadsheet which opens (no TV displayed), and look in the Columns tab – there’s no TV entry to check

    For the second, I just create yet another Requirement (with TV) in EA, then I drag that new Req2 on top of Req1, so Req2 appears as an indented “owned by” child of Req1. I can’t get to Req2 starting from the package level (not following ownedBy links?) nor does directly opening Req2 yield any TV (just as with Req1)

    Adrian Support


    Sorry a bit of confusion between us on terminology and hence verifying your issue.

    We have been able to reproduce your examples exporting from EA.

    In fact the examples you presented were not included in our original Use Case for export of single elements.
    The issue is easily rectified but need to check with the chief designer before inclusion in release.

    Will advise in due course.

    Adrian Support


    Both the items you identified were not included as requirements in our original Use Cases, however they are being added and should be included in the forthcoming release 3.3. Information about this release will be on our web site soon.


    eaDocX support team

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