
Home Forums eaDocX queries Version History Migration with Version History Migration with

Home Forums eaDocX queries Version History Migration with Version History Migration with

Adrian Support


Done some tests this morning with V3.2.8.0 and moving to V3.3.1.1 and I haven’t been able to repeat your problem.

So be useful to know which version you have been using – hopefully I can install the same version for testing.

FYI: The only problem I experienced when moving between VM’s running different versions was that ended up in the wrong directory – which involved editing the files property of the documentVersion artifacts. I assume in your case the DM directory hasn’t changed.

In terms of the issue with not appearing in the model- I assume you mean in the “Document details | Versions tab” – in which case it implies that the document management settings have changed.

Could you send a screenshot of:
1. what you see in the Document details | version
2. Output from using eaXL showing the filename properties – in my model I have set the document management to use the package dm, in which it manages the document versions.
3. Repository settins (eaDocX | Settings | Repository settings)

I hope the attached screenshots which illustrate these screenshots for my test model.

Any information that you think could be relevant would be useful and may give me a clue.

Many thanks


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