
Home Forums eaDocX queries How to extract element properties into excel How to extract element properties into excel

Home Forums eaDocX queries How to extract element properties into excel How to extract element properties into excel

Adrian Support

Thought that may be the case – a few others have asked and we have considered including but our delay in doing has been the decision on UI.

Would you be be happy with something like a menu option on the context menu so that when a package is selected the extensions menu would provide “eaDocX | Open in Excel | Class properties (there may be a better name)” it would output class (table) properities.

This output columns could be:

ElementType (Attribute or Method) | Class Name (as a mandatory column to ensure that you know the parent) | Name | plus any other columns you select.

There would be one per row so would provide the ability to compare/import as any other element.

Does this cover your requirement?


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