
Home Forums eaDocX queries How do I get the latest upgrade?

Home Forums eaDocX queries How do I get the latest upgrade?

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    Heather Wallace

    As a Corporate Edition license key user I want the latest version. But the downloads page version is now called eaDocX Trial Is there a separate download for customers, or do I use the “Trial” application with my license key? (My license key is registered to our purchaser, who I would rather not bother about upgrades.)

    Adrian Support

    If you go to the Customer downloads page – there is a link to the current version towards the bottom of the page with the link name of “eaDocX Full”

    Screenshot attached.

    Hope that helps.

    eaDocX support

    Heather Wallace

    Thanks, at least that shows me that I am seeing a different set of options. (Customer downloads isn’t available to me.) :unsure:

    I’ll try to contact the purchaser. Is there a mechanism for a specific license key to be removed from his account and placed on my own account, so that the process is seamless in future?

    Adrian Support


    I believe all you need to do go onto the site and register (go to the Login/Logout link at top of page and you will see a register link in the pop-up). When you have the account set up you will then be able to login and see the customer download option.

    Let me know if you have further problems.


    Heather Wallace

    I am registered, but when I try to add my license key to achieve customer status, I am told the key is registered to another user. Therefore I am stuck with the basic options which do not include the customer downloads screen. When I look at the license info via EA I can see this is registered to Ian Marshall, who I believe purchased the software for our project for several users. I’m trying to get in touch but with no success.

    Kinda stuck for the moment.

    The more I read the forum entries the more keen I am to get my hands on 3.3. B)


    Adrian Support

    Hi Heather,

    Handn’t though about that – can you drop me an email and I can then respond privately rather than on our public forum with the way forward.



    eaDocX Support



    If you can’t see the “Customer Downloads” sub menu when you are logged in, it means that the website doesn’t know that you are a real customer! There’s an FAQ article ”I’m a customer. Where’s my eaDocX code download?” that explains how to fix that.

    Please take a look and follow the instructions there.

    (NB it doesn’t matter what name you see when you start eaDocX and check the licence information user details. That name is set as the name of the person who bought the key but is independent of your customer status for getting hold of updates/support etc. The ‘Master’ information for customer status is on your account in the website backend systems.)


    Heather Wallace

    Thanks Jackie. Ian sorted this out for me last week (the system wouldn’t accept my license key when I tried – said it was already registered to another user). I now have access to the Customer Downloads area, and have 3.3. installed.

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