
Home Forums eaDocX queries Excluding noteless elements

Home Forums eaDocX queries Excluding noteless elements

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  • #6665
    Jaroslav Mlejnek

    How to exclude noteless elements, such as methods and attributes? Or is it possible to exclude whole Table of Methods?

    The practical example is interface and its realization in classes. I would like to have interface methods documented only once in document. It is not possible to have different profile for interfaces and classes, because class can have also its own methods, which should be printed in document.

    I am looking for something like “Do not print noteless elements”, which is in EA RTF generator.

    Thank you for your answer,

    eadocX Support

    It’s possible to have different Profiles for Interfaces and Classes. Just get Classes to print their Methods, and Interface not.

    Jaroslav Mlejnek

    I am not sure, if I understand your answer correctly. The situation is something like:

    EA model:
    + Method1 (abstract)
    + Method2 (abstract)

    Class1 implements Interface
    + Method1 (presented in EA model, but without description)
    + Method2 (presented in EA model, but without description)
    + MyMethod1

    Class2 implements Interface
    + Method1 (presented in EA model, but without description)
    + Method2 (presented in EA model, but without description)
    + MyMethod2

    And I would like document to be:
    Method1 | Description1
    Method2 | Description2

    MyMethod1 | Description…

    MyMethod2 | Description…

    Instead of current behavior:
    Method1 | Description1
    Method2 | Description2

    Method1 | (no description)
    Method2 | (no description)
    MyMethod1 | Description…

    Method1 | (no description)
    Method2 | (no description)
    MyMethod2 | Description…

    I think this cannot be achieved using profiles, can it?

    eadocX Support

    In the Profile for the Class, just choose to print the Method Summary attribute. This is just the names of the methods.

    Jaroslav Mlejnek

    Thank you for your quick answer, but this is not what I need. I would like to have table with class methods, but skip methods (do not print them), which does not have description. My table with class methods looks like:

    Method | Description
    Method1 | Some description…
    Method2 | Some description…
    Method3 |
    Method4 |
    Method5 | Some description…

    And I would like to omit Method3 and Method4 in the report. So the table should contain only fully documented methods. The result should be:

    Method | Description
    Method1 | Some description…
    Method2 | Some description…
    Method5 | Some description…

    eadocX Support

    Ah – I see.
    Can’t do that with eaDocX.
    In a normal hand-made document, I totally understand why we don’t want to repeat information.
    But in a generated document, I’m generally not so concerned.

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