
Home Forums eaDocX queries Conditional formatting regarding dates

Home Forums eaDocX queries Conditional formatting regarding dates

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  • #6851
    Volker Honds

    I want to use the conditional formatting feature with the following rules in order to print a document with collected requirements and mark all requirements which changed since the last version.

    Profile setting for requirements with inline formatting, e.g. for attribute “last_Updated”

    Rule type = Date
    Condition = “after”
    Value =
    Replacement text =
    Color = any, for example yellow

    The result is not what I am expecting:
    • Using condition “after” highlights no date in the generated document. (Same with condition “before”).
    • Using condition “on or after” highlights every date, so also dates before the value (“on or before does the same)

    Is this a known bug?

    eadocX Support

    Just tested this, and it seems OK in my configuration.
    Are you using this on a machine with USA date formats? Maybe it’s that ….

    Volker Honds

    No US settings, but German date format (which I have to keep selected). :dry:

    Volker Honds

    Yes, you were right. Switching my Windows 7 „Regional and Language Options“ to “English/UK” did the job.
    Using “08/08/2013” instead of „08.08.2013“ marked the date with a color.

    But unfortunally running in the UK-mode is not a useful option (having German customers).
    (I observed also a problem when switching back. Also after closing the EA and re-generating the document showed me the English format of the “Last_Updated” date. I had to change/toggle the date once in the profile/requirement/conditional-formatting menu, to see the right date format in word.)

    I know dealing with Microsoft internal date format can be a mess, but do you think there might be a fix in the future? Thanks.

    eadocX Support

    That’s great – I have now reproduced your problem.
    Fix is available in which is now on the website.
    I just added some code next to the comment which helpfully said ‘add code for non UK/USA date formats here..’ 🙂

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