
Home Forums eaDocX queries Cant generate EADoc for models in mySQL repository Cant generate EADoc for models in mySQL repository

Home Forums eaDocX queries Cant generate EADoc for models in mySQL repository Cant generate EADoc for models in mySQL repository

rick sipin

I can give you a case where EADocx doesn’t “play well” with MySQL. Create a tagged value attribute on an element of stereotype Archimate_BusinessProcess. Generate a report where the element is part of the package added to the report (insert section using current selection). Open up the profile for the ‘Table of <> Activities. Select the ‘tagged Value’ option to add a new attribute to the profile’s table. You’ll get an error message where it reports the table myschema.T_OBJECTproperties doesn’t exist. The issue seems to be in the forcing of uppercase in a portion of the table name. MySQL shows the table as ‘myschema.t_objectproperties’ and I believe this mixed case access by EADocX is what’s causing the issue.

Please let me know if you want sample data, etc.

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