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Home Forums eaDocX queries Large Images

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  • #7002
    D Nelson

    Hi there. We have a large set of documentation to print, with a lot of large process maps, which will not print well on one page. I saw a post from about 7 months ago, which said Sparx may open their API to you regarding page boundaries, etc. Has this happened? The reason I ask is that large diagrams are the main challenge in finding a proper reporting tool. If your tool cannot address large images, not sure this will be useful to us. Guess we can break them up in Sparx, but not desireable. Any thoughts? Thanks.

    eadocX Support

    Please see the reply in the posting:
    Sadly, nothing has changed. We’ll see if there is any new support in EA V11, but I’m not hopeful.
    Assume for a moment that Sparx provided an API for eaDocX to get the diagram in smaller pieces, how would you like eaDocX to print the pieces? So if your diagram is 3 pages wide and 2 pages long, should eaDocX just print each page, on after another, with a figure number on the last eaDocX page ?

    With my Business Analyst hat on, I would still recommend that whilst big diagrams might help to BA to check that the end-to-end process/class model etc is OK, it less helpful to the reader, who probably wants to think about the problem in smaller pieces. So I always suggest that BAs create more & smaller diagrams.
    ..none of which solves your problem…!


    Have you thought about applying a macro/script (during or after document generation), which resizes all shapes to fit to the page size? In my point of view, this workaround could be used until EA provides the required functionality for eaDocX.

    D Nelson

    Yep – makes sense – otherwise would be hard to control the split. Looks like we will have to address in our diagrams. Thanks for the quick reply and keep up the great work!

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