
Home Forums eaDocX queries Components and Ports

Home Forums eaDocX queries Components and Ports

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  • #7090
    Doug Blake

    I am printing a document that contains components, sub components and ports

    Component A
    Component B
    Port B1
    Port B2
    Port A1
    Port A2

    But the more sub components I put in the model, the further the Port information for component A gets from it component description.

    EA seems to represent ports as elements when that isn’t what they are.

    Also, with numbering on, the paragraph numbers for Ports are superfluous.

    Can you help with any techniques to get what I want?


    Doug Blake

    Component B and its ports were indented in the post editor but that seems to have been removed when the post is viewed in the forum.

    eadocX Support

    Hi Doug,
    I’ll try end help: we’re better better at covering-up the strange bits of EA.
    Can you mail be a little XMI, with some ideas of how you would like it to behave, and I’ll add it to the do-do list for v3.4 (now in development).
    Because I’m just a BA, I don’t tend to use the bits of EA which deal with ports, so that’s probably why there’s currently not much special support for them.

    Heather Wallace

    I’m also very interested in this. EA treats the ports as embedded objects. It would be great to be able to select an “embedded” relationship in eaDocX. I have some limited success navigating via the parent-child relationship (which may help Doug) which I seem to recall works better in the normal direction than the reverse. I also need to navigate from ports to their owning nodes, as the ports act as connection points for the nodes.

    Even as a BA, there’s lots of fun to be had exploring deployment diagrams!

    (Currently on leave for exam prep, but couldn’t resist)

    eadocX Support

    eaDocX does list ‘children’ as one of its ‘relationship types’ along with the real ones. I have not tried to access Ports of other elements using this, but it’s worth a try.
    BTW – really don’t think you should take any more exams, unless you share some of your existing ones with me: you can’t possibly need them all….

    Doug Blake

    Further to this there is a bug. For the ports I am looking at the relationship between 2 ports and have set up a profile as follows. The table has
    ParentName gives me the name of the source port
    DGCON_Target Element Name gives me the name of the target port
    DGCON_Target Element Alias gives me the name (NOT THE ALIAS) of the target port

    When WORD is doing its stuff for name I can see a large ID followed by ,NAME§ which is OK but for the alias I just get , §

    Any movement on this whole subject? I am putting off another purchase in the hope…

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