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Home Forums eaDocX queries Diagram Contents

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  • #7520
    Doug Blake

    Is there any way of determining the order of elements printed when they are taken from a diagram (Diagram and Contents mode)?

    I am using a diagram to Trace from Functional Requirements through Technical Requirements, Software Requirements and Verification Requirements, so would like them printed in that order.

    eadocX Support

    Not because we don’t want to let you determine the order, but where to specify that order?
    In response to a previous question, to make the order predictable, we now print the items in alphabetical order of their element types, that is, Change, Decision, feature etc.
    I can’t see a place in the EA diagram where you can specify the order, so it would have to be in eaDocX, but we don’t know how many or which diagrams will be in any given document until we generate it.
    So it would have the be an eaDocX global setting, which would apply the sort order to all diagram contents. Is this sensible?
    I’m happy to change this, as I agree that it’s annoying, so I’m open to solutions.

    Doug Blake

    Seems reasonable but since you offer!! In my case, I would be happy to use the order in which they appear in the total project tree.

    I have projects for Functional Spec, Technical Spec, Software Spec, Verification Spec and Validation Spec each of which have their own documents. Tracing is done in a separate project through these diagrams. So taking ordering from the order in which the elements appear would be great. I realise however this is ME specific, so thanks for the offer anyway.

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