
Home Forums eaDocX queries DM disabled&all Version history will be lost

Home Forums eaDocX queries DM disabled&all Version history will be lost

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  • #7566
    Wayne Li

    I have some documents with DM enabled. Some days later, when reopen it the DM is disabled. When to enable it again, all version history will be lost. Is there any way to resolve it?



    Phillip Khaiat

    The version history is not lost, it is in DocumentVersion child elements of the original Document element, which is in the default document management folder. When you re-enable DM for the document, you will have a new document element. Just move the old DocumentVersion children under it (replacing the new 0.0.1 child), and all of your versions should be restored. You can also copy the document abstract from the old to the new element.

    Wayne Li

    What do you mean ” which is in the default document management folder.” is this in EA or document? Thanks

    Phillip Khaiat

    In the eaDocX repository settings, there is an option to specify the EA package for DM document data. That is the (default) package where you will find the eaDocX DM elements.
    You can also just search your repository, looking for Artifact elements with stereotype eaDocXDocument

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