
Home Forums eaDocX queries eaDocX with TFS version controlled package

Home Forums eaDocX queries eaDocX with TFS version controlled package

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  • #7811
    Michael Zhang

    Hello everybody,

    Does any of you know if it is possible to use eaDocX generate a Word document automatically and put different version of a EA package (stored in SQL database repository, has Microsoft TFS version control) into different section at one shot and how to do it?

    For example:
    • Section 1: Sample App package (TFS version v1.0)
    • Section 2: Sample App package (TFS version v 1.5)
    • Section 3: Sample App package (TFS version v 2.0)

    Thank you very much!

    eadocX Support

    There seem to be three distinct questions here:
    1 – External trigger to generate a document
    2 – Make eaDocX TFS aware
    3 – pull-in different versions of a package to put in a document.
    1 – There’s currently no support in eaDocX to have the Generator triggered by an external program. This would be harder than you might think, as, if you are using eaDocX Document Management, the UI will prompt for information about any new version, so that would have to be passed as parameters. But other than that, this might be possible. What would be the trigger ?

    2 – TFS-aware. We’ve been asked about this a couple of times before, but we’ve always lacked any in-house TFS knowledge. And access to a TFS installation. But if you’re prepared to help us with these, all things are possible!

    3 – Multiple versions. This might be the killer. eaDocX works only on the current contents of a single EA Repository. So, we’d have to load v1.0 into the package, generate that section, stop, reload the next version of the same package, then generate the next section.
    This sounds hard! So we’d have to be convinced that there is demand for this facility.

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