
Home Forums eaDocX queries Table Style Format

Home Forums eaDocX queries Table Style Format

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  • #7914
    Jeff Parkhouse


    I have a query relating to changing table styles within MS Word, and eaDocX not using them.

    Using Word 2007 and eaDocX
    a) I have created a new style in MS Word without any spaces in it (called CUKStyle).
    b) Within eaDocX I have
    – updated the Tools > Options and setting to use my style
    – in the profile, for each element where a table is used, set my style to be used.
    c) All working fine, my style is being used correctly in eaDocX for requirements documents, etc.

    Now I want to make a change to MS Word Style.
    d) In MS Word have made changes to a table using that style.
    Have gone to the “design” ribbon, selected my style, right clicked and selected “Apply and maintain formatting”.
    e) Have gone to another table in my document and selected my modified table style and my new style has been applied. Great.
    f) Back on my style – have selected “Set as default” and have selected “for this document only”. Have then repeated for “all documents based on”.

    Now I am expecting that my modified style is used when generating a document with eaDocX.
    g) So in eaDocX, I’m regenerating the document above.
    h) Result is that my old style is used not my modified style.

    Have I missed anything?

    Jeff Parkhouse


    OK, I have sorted it after a many hours of playing, and looking through the training notes it was covered but I had forgotton (sorry Ian). :unsure:

    For those interested this was my problem.
    In Word, a table style includes “boarders and shading”, “table properties”, “font”, “paragraph”, etc. I made a change to the “table properties” (left and right cell margins).

    In eaDocX, in Options > Tools and Settings you specify a Word Table Style. I was thinking that this should have picked up my change. But no. In eaDocX it appears to not pick up the “tables and properties” part of the table style, and you have to specify a “text style”!

    So I created a new text style in Word, set my left and right indents, and applied this to eaDocX > Tools and Settings and it all works!


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