
Home Forums eaDocX queries Missing bookmarks

Home Forums eaDocX queries Missing bookmarks

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  • #8016
    Heather Wallace

    Has anyone ense had trouble with missing bookmarks?

    I have a preliminary section of a document that describes service clusters and then provides a tabulated list of service names, with name as a hysperlink. A bookmarked is referenced by each.

    I then have a separate document section per cluster, each driven by an element report for the services within that cluster, with a custom in-line profile for service within the element report. The service name is heading level 1, but only about a third of them are bookmarked.

    I tried running the same report on a different computer with the latest version of eaDocX (3.5.5), but the result was the same (the same subset of services). I can’t see any common feature beween the services that are not bookmarked:
    – the names are not all long, or all short
    – some names contain “/” but others have no special characters
    – all the clusters have some services without bookmarks
    – the services are not all at the start or end of clusters

    Any ideas?

    eadocX Support

    Hi Heather,
    eaDocX only creates bookmarks for headings, elements or diagrams which are referenced elsewhere in the document. Otherwise, your document would have a Word bookmark for everything, which could be 100s or 1000s in each document, which makes generation even slower.
    If you have very sharp eyes, you might be able to see this happening. eaDocX first creates a GUID-based tag for every element/package/diagram on the first part of the generation, then sees which ones have inbound references. On the second pass, removes all the ones which aren’t used.
    Does this explain what you are seeing ?

    Heather Wallace

    Unfortunately not, I have 37 headings in the later section that should be referenced from hyperlinks in the first section, but a much smaller number of BK_ bookmarks survive the cull.


    eadocX Support

    if you send me an XMI and a document, I’ll have a look

    Heather Wallace

    Hmm. The document is full of pictures and comes in at 60MB. I could do a partial version when I get a chance (I’m in France on business at the moment). Are attachments here private? Or is there another address I can send the XMI and document to?


    eadocX Support

    can you chop-out a smaller doc which displays the same symptoms? Then email to my personal address.

    Heather Wallace

    Did you receive the document and XMI? I assumed you were Ian and sent it to his address on 24th February. I sent the full doc without pictures as they were bumping up the size.



    eadocX Support

    Yes – got them – just haven’t got around to looking yet.

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