
Home Forums eaDocX queries COM exception 0x80020006 Unknown Name with script

Home Forums eaDocX queries COM exception 0x80020006 Unknown Name with script

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  • #8041
    Geert Bellekens

    I’m trying to set a section to use a script, but it I can’t get it working.
    I added the APITest script to my model and selected that as the script to use.

    When I try to generate I’m getting error 0x80020006

    I’m using EA v 10.0.1010 with eaDocX v

    eadocX Support

    My language skills are not good, but does that mean there is an error of some kind in the Script ?

    Geert Bellekens

    No, it’s not the script. The script runs fine when triggered directly from EA. I even dumbed it down to
    [code]function APITest
    dim outputHTML ‘ a string which will contain the HTML
    outputHTML = “

    Repository connection string:” & “test” & “

    ‘put the HTML string into the return
    APITest = outputHTML
    end function

    but that still generated the error.

    eadocX Support

    Can you get ANY script to work when called from eaDocX? Or is it ALL scripts which fail ?
    Also, in the example above, what value does the TEST variable have? Does this work?

    Geert Bellekens

    No, no script at all via eaDocX

    (I fixed the TEST variable in the code snippet above to be “test”)

    eadocX Support

    Ah – environment. My favorite kind of error 🙁

    I think there might be a pre-requisite of some sort of Microsoft Scripting Control, but that should have been installed when you installed eaDocX. I will ask the India team on Monday, who built this, but they have gone home for the weekend.

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