
Home Forums eaDocX queries Sorting of Scenario table in use case wrong

Home Forums eaDocX queries Sorting of Scenario table in use case wrong

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  • #8142
    Christoph Brehm

    My Use Case profile includes the Use Case’s scenarios. I created a separate table profile for the Scenarios. In this profile’s sort options I chose “Use sorting from EA”. This doesn’t seem to work: The alternate scenarios in the table are not listed in the order which in which I see them in EA use case dialog.

    Christoph Brehm

    Have you had a chance to look into this issue?

    At the moment, I’m manually rearranging the scenarios after each generation which is cumbersome in a 150-page document.

    eadocX Support

    I have, and the challenge is that EA doesn’t store the sequence of the alternates/exceptions anywhere. I’m going to have to find a way of working-out what the sequence is…

    Christoph Brehm

    Hmm that is strange. EA offers explicit rearranging of the scenarios via “up” and “down” buttons.

    eadocX Support

    Really? In my EA (V12 build 1212) those buttons don’t change the order of scenarios, just of the steps within a scenario. The order seems to be set by the step number where the alternate/exception starts, followed by a letter which seems to be based on the sequence in which the alt/ex was created

    Christoph Brehm

    Ah I wasn’t talking about the Structured Specification, I don’t use those at all.

    Here’s a screenshot of the order I was talking about.

    eadocX Support

    Ah – you’re using an older EA version than me: are you on v11 or v10 ?
    That bit of function you are using is not in V12 (and good thing too, IMHO)

    Christoph Brehm

    I’m using EA 11.1.1111.

    I’ve now installed EA 12 on another machine, trying to verify that this function isn’t there anymore. However, I found the opposite: EA 12 contains exactly the same buttons for reordering the scenarios, see the attached screenshot.

    eadocX Support

    Quite do! Don’t know how I missed that yesterday.
    And moving the scenarios up & down does indeed show up in the database. But it doesn’t seem to change the sequence of the scenarios in the Structured Specification section – strange.Might be another case where changing the ordering using up/down adds a correct, explicit sequence to the items, just like it does with items below a Package.
    I’m off on holiday all of next week, so I’ll get to look at this when I get back

    Christoph Brehm


    any news on this issue?

    eadocX Support

    I have had a look into the EA database for this, and there seems to be a column – “EValue” – which gets changed when you manually re-order scenarios (using the Up/Down buttons on the EA ‘Description’ Tab in the Use Case Properties)

    If you don’t make any changes to this sequence, and just use the second ‘Structured Scenario’ tab, then EValue is also set, but it’s not clear of the meaning – I think EA is doing what eaDocX does, and getting the sequence from the place in the Basic Path where the Alternate/Exception starts, which is what most readers would expect, and ignoring the EValue.
    BUT, eaDocX can’t tell is the EValue has been set by you, by a manual re-ordering, or by EA using the Structured Scenario editor. So switching to using EValue for sort order would change existing documents for other users, which is something we try hard to avoid.
    So, I don’t think eaDocX can do anything different from what it does today. Remember that the reader can easily find alternates and exceptions, as they can click on the hyperlinks in the basic path scenario.
    Sorry, but don’t think we can help you.

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