
Home Forums eaDocX queries Generate mails from inside collaboration edition

Home Forums eaDocX queries Generate mails from inside collaboration edition

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  • #8169
    Jan Warrot

    Hi there,

    A nice addition for me would be the possibility to automatically generate a mail to all different reviewers that are connected to a document.

    Today, i need to manually genereate a mail in outlook, generate a personal link in eaDocX and then copy/paste it inside outlook. I have to do this per user. I have approximatly 8 approvers per document…

    So, automatic generation of all mails to all these users would same me -and i presume not only myself- a lot of time and effort.

    Jan Warrot

    eadocX Support

    Hi Jan,
    This was a feature which got dropped from the launched Collaboration Edition product, but we have a prototype of it working, and we plan to add it back into the product ASAP.
    We have a choice, however, and would welcome your views:
    – make it a feature which is called from your client machine, to your local machine’s email API
    – make a further integration from your Web Server to an email-sender. This makes the web server installation a little more complicated, but will enable some other stuff which we have planned.

    Do you have a preference ?

    Jan Warrot

    Ok, thanks for the information; i’m looking forward to have this functionality.
    I would prefer then sending the mails from the web server.
    Regards, Jan

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