
Home Forums eaDocX queries Diagram and caption doesn’t fit to page

Home Forums eaDocX queries Diagram and caption doesn’t fit to page

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    Jack Finnegan

    Eadocx seems to fit a diagram to a page… only to put ‘figure x: ‘ on the next page, followed by a load of white space. How can I make the whole thing fit on one page?

    eadocX Support

    Experiment with the setting in eaDocX 3.7 which allows you to set a maximum size for a diagram image, so that this doesn’t happen.
    See Doc settings / Diagram settings / Maximum Diagram Height (portrait and landscape).
    You’ll have to fiddle a bit, as you’ll need to take account of the header & footer sizes of he document, and the font size of the ‘Figure X’ text

    Jack Finnegan

    Thanks. Unfortunately, I’m on so it looks like I’m out of luck.

    As an aside, is there any plan for a complete overhaul of the ui for eadocx? Everytime I use it I go red in the face with frustration with some counter intuitive feature. When I’m given the solution on here I often think ‘I never could have thought of that’. Most of my organisation don’t want to use the tool because it is so counter intuitive. While it is functionally useful, it’s viewed as the antithesis of the Apple experience, which is what, rightly or wrongly, people expect nowadays.

    eadocX Support

    All suggestions are welcome. Doing an overhaul of the UI would be tough on those who’ve used it already, but it’s something we’re thinking about at the moment.
    The trick is to make the basic experience as simple as possible, but still have lots of options to allow you to customise things.
    Oh, and as someone who has just watched a total novice try to use an iPad for the first time, the Apple UI isn’t obvious either:-)

    Jack Finnegan

    Yes, I agree with that approach. Unfortunately even the basic experience is counter intuitive.

    For suggestions, I’d suggest just looking at my post history. Most of my frusrations have come from things that I think should be obvious, but aren’t. And the solutions I’ve been given sometimes amount to workarounds.

    I think the ipad interface is a lot clearer, though I accept people will put more effort into learning how to watch netflix than create a business requirements document. Some key things that I think apple does that EAdocx doesn’t:

    No spelling mistakes
    Consistent terminology
    Every time something doesn’t respond, it tries to tell you why
    There is generally a basic flow to get something done

    Colin Wood

    I have this trouble too. I need each diagram to be on one page (of A3 Landscape)and as large as possible between the header, footer and any headings.

    I found that I could get the diagrams larger if I changed the Word Style ‘Figure’ to be left justified instead of centred.

    But it would still be useful to have an eadocx option called ‘One diagram per page as large as possible’

    eadocX Support

    There are just WAY too many Word options to make this practicable: exact page size (A4 vs USA sizes), heading font size, length of heading text, font size of diagram text, length of diagram text. And those are just the ones I can think of.

    Colin Wood

    I have this trouble too. I need each diagram to be on one page (of A3 Landscape)and as large as possible between the header, footer and any headings.

    I found that I could get the diagrams larger if I changed the Word Style ‘Figure’ to be left justified instead of centred.

    But it would still be useful to have an eadocx option called ‘One diagram per page as large as possible’

    Some more thoughts:
    eaDocX appears to size an EA diagram in Word as top left of the EA page but bottom right most element coordinate, and then uses the eaDocX setting for max diagram height. Trouble with this is that you get different size images, the larger ones don’t fit and the smaller ones cause the next page headings and text to be brought forward under the small diagram. This causes a great deal of manual fiddling!
    Couldn’t you have a setting in eaDocX to use the EA page size irrespective of the element positions?

    eadocX Support

    Possible, I guess, but as posted previously, this is really complicated, given all the different word settings.
    One thing to try – there is a setting in the ‘Diagram Settings’ of eaDocX, which lets you assign a word paragraph style to the diagram image. This lets you, for example, center or left-justify the image. Might be a bit of extra help.

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