
Home Forums eaDocX queries eaXL not syncing data on EA cloud repositories

Home Forums eaDocX queries eaXL not syncing data on EA cloud repositories

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  • #8447
    Gary Cleal

    eaXL does not update the model properly and gets out of sync with the model when connecting to an EA cloud repository.

    This is the case for and 3.8 beta

    Connect to a cloud repository
    select an Enumeration Element
    Open in Excel with Attributes
    add datatype in columns selection tab
    push to excel
    modify the value in the data type column in excel
    check equality excel to EA
    (it does show the differences)
    push from Excel back to Model
    changes are not updated.
    (cursors does step through the items in the model but are not updating it)

    additional information
    There is security turned on for the cloud repository.
    but the user account I am logged in with I can manually update the attributes no problem.

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