
Home Forums eaDocX queries Table captions

Home Forums eaDocX queries Table captions

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  • #8896
    Markus Bauer


    I found the table option “Print figure number for each table” in the eaDocX options. Now the tables are numbered as “Table 1”, “Table 2”, etc. But how do I assign names to the tables, so that the caption becomes more meaningful, e.g. “Table 1: Stakeholders”, “Table 2: Requirements”, etc.? The table of tables looks quite senseless, if it only shows

    Table 1……2
    Table 2……5
    Table 3……7

    Thanks and regards

    eadocX Support

    At the moment, you can’t add your own caption text, but you can have a title above the table. But I’ll look into using the same text as a caption instead.
    We’re just about the start work on the next eaDocX release, but I’ll see what I can do in the short term.

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