
Home Forums eaDocX queries How do I export the Table column attrib. Not NULL? How do I export the Table column attrib. Not NULL?

Home Forums eaDocX queries How do I export the Table column attrib. Not NULL? How do I export the Table column attrib. Not NULL?

Ronald Sonntag

Hi Ian,

Many thanks! I also eventually found it. But, the problem I am running into is that the content I have is spread across many folders. If I choose the top folder, <>Deliverables (see below), then the option to select ALL Attributes goes away. Other than selecting each folder one at a time and creating a separate spreadsheet for each one that I then manually combine, is there a way to get ALL the attributes that are contained in each subfolder in one shot?

Folder Structure:

>Accounts Payable – Sales Tax
>Accounts Payable – Vendor
>Accounts Receivable – Customer Details

>System Administration – Units and Unit Conversions

Sub-folder structure (same in all except Shared Entities folder that does not contain a diagram):

<>Accounts Payable – Sales Tax
(Diagram) Physical – Accounts Payable

> Delivery charges groups
> Sales tax authorities
> Sales tax code values

<>Accounts Payable – Vendor

And, of course, the tables have all the columns that contain the Not NULL attribute I need to export.

Thank You,


  • This reply was modified 7 years ago by Ronald Sonntag. Reason: correction

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