
Home Forums eaDocX queries Generate table with information from sub-packages

Home Forums eaDocX queries Generate table with information from sub-packages

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  • #8983
    Markus Bauer


    in our model, each sequence diagram is based on/realizes one or more tasks, which derived from user stories. The diagrams (each within a separate package) are grouped in feature related packages.
    The documentation shall now look like:

    – Feature package

    1. Header and description
    2. Overview table containing all implemented tasks and the corresponding user stories from the sub-packages (list of all entries from 3.3.)
    3. Sub-packages containing the diagrams
      1. Header and description

      2. Diagram
      3. Table showing the implemented tasks and their corresponding user stories

      The sub-packages are assigned to the implemented tasks by a Realization connector, and also the relationship between tasks and user stories is done by a Realization connector (tasks and user stories are represented by simple stereotyped objects in the model).

      With that approach, I could use the Multi-Hop relationship to get the tables in 3.3., but I don’t know what to do to get the overview in the parent chapter (2.).
      Can anybody give a hint how to realize that? I am not bound to the approach I described above (model structure, relationships), only the diagrams must remain in the feature package somehow.

      Thanks and regards

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