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Home Forums eaDocX queries Excel upload adds non printable chars

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  • #9008
    Peter Cowen

    I’m using the Excel feature of eaDocX to enter description text for the columns in a table modelled in EA
    Initial upload seems to work okay
    But subsequent uploads when editing a description, other descriptions (un edited in excel) appears to have some non printable characters inserted into the description.
    This looks to be where I’m entering a linefeed in excel – alt return

    Is something in the excel -> eadocx -> EA route padding newlines?


    eadocX Support

    We strongly suggest that you do NOT use eaDocX/Excel for editing ‘notes’ fields of ANY element type.
    The EA content is stored in a non-standard, not well-formed HTML-ish format, which gets all kinds of odd characters added.
    It seems to just-about work when notes are read then written back, but editing seems to cause issues.
    We’ll look again at this in V4, currently in development

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