
Home Forums eaDocX queries Table settings for script generated tables

Home Forums eaDocX queries Table settings for script generated tables

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  • #9010
    Markus Bauer


    I have used the ShowAllStyles script from the examples to test the scripting options with respect to font and table styles, and encountered some problems.
    The most urgent problem is that

    1. Selecting a “Word table style” seems to be ignored for tables created by eaDocX scripts. What table style is used and how can I apply settings like “Repeat as header row at the top of each page” and disable “Allow row to break across pages” to these tables? In the document within the attachment, I set the Word table style to “Grid Table 5 Dark”, but it seems to be ignored.

    Other problems I faced:

    1. Is it possible for a script to also return a table caption below the table? How can I achieve that?
    2. The selection list in the Settings & Options doesn’t match the styles from the Style Gallery. Some styles are missing, e.g. Strong. See OptionsList.png and StyleGallery.png. The following is probably related to this:
    3. Applying text styles to Header and cells in the Settings & Options dialog (from the selection list!), which do not appear in the Styles Gallery, are set to ‘Normal’ in the generated table.
    4. A newly created style isn’t available in the Settings & Options selection box until I closed and reopened the document

    I am using eaDocX v3.9.5.3, EA corporate edition 12.0.1215 and Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus 2016.

    As said, my main concern is about the table settings I need to apply somehow (automatically) to the generated tables. How do I solve this problem?

    Thanks and regards

    Markus Bauer


    the problems persist with eaDocX

    Does the lack of any responses mean, that there is no solution for my problems? Will they be fixed in version 4 then?

    Best regards

    eadocX Support

    The scripting support allows you to create tables which use the paragraph styles of Word, NOT table styles. This is because (1) nobody has asked for it and (2) when I tried to code it, there are bugs in the Word HTML interface which mean it doesn’t accept Word TABLE styles which have spaces in them – which is basically all the built-in ones.
    So there is no plan to include this in V4.

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