
Home Forums eaDocX queries State transition table that includes details?

Home Forums eaDocX queries State transition table that includes details?

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  • #9144
    Bruce Knoth

    I’m evaluating eaDocX and I can’t figure out how to create a table of transitions that includes the transition name and effect.

    Here’s a crude ASCII state diagram:

    State1 _______ TransName[Guard2]/Effect2 _____________> State2
    |____________ TransName[Guard3]/Effect3 _____________> State3

    (The diagram shows a transition from State1 to State2 and another from State1 to State3 with the corresponding guards and effects.)

    I want a table like this with the description for State1:

    RelName | Guard | Effect | Target |
    TransName Guard2 Effect2 State2
    TransName Guard3 Effect3 State3

    I can create a relationship table that shows the guards, but I can’t figure out how to get the Transition Name or the Effects into the table. (The GetLostOverview sample has a state machine in it, but it does not include transition names or effects – just guards).

    I’d appreciate guidance.


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