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Import profiles
To import a profile from a file which your have previously exported, open the target document in eaDocX and choose ‘File / Profile / Load profiles from file.
When you choose the file, you will see the items in the file. you will see:
- Profiles.
This tells eaDocX how you want each type/stereotype of element to look like in your document. Expand the Profiles item to see all the data for different types/stereotypes.
Under each profile you will see the details of what you are about to import.It is these parts of the profile which you will probably want to import.
Note that when importing, if you already have a profile for an element type/stereotype, then the import will delete those settings, and import the new ones. - Type specific settings.
Some eaDocX settings are saved at a type/stereotype level, and if you have any, these will be shown here - Other settings
Document-specific, not type/stereotype specific settings - Exclusions
GUIDs of element / packages or diagrams which will be excluded from this document. May be useful where there are lots of these which you want to use in multiple documents.