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Default columns
When you open a package, eaSheets will look into the contents of the package and show you:
Default rows
- All types of element in that sheet, and all elements in all sub-packages of the sheet
- All child element of all types of element. You can choose to not see child elements by clicking
Default columns
For all types of element, you will see:
- Element type and element name
- The EA fields (such as Stereotype and Status) which have a non-trivial values
- The tagged values for each type of element. This means that if the list contains lots of different element types, and each element type has lots of tagged values, you will get a lot of columns. To reduce the number of columns, use Choosing element types and columns to reduce the number of different element types in the sheet
For single-element type lists
When the elements in the list are of a single type (for example, all are <<functional>>Requirements, or all Archimate Components) then you ail also see columns for each of the types of related element.