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Getting Started with eaSheets
eaSheets Walk-through (1) – open, edit and validate
eaSheets Walk-through (2) – Round trip editing
eaSheets Options
Open a sheet from an EA diagram
Open a sheet from an EA package
Open a Smart Sheet
Open all elements in a package
Choosing element types and columns
Default columns
Add tagged value
Editing Headers
Sheets sorting options
eaSheets Templates
Smart Sheets
Compare and save data
Edit attributes of a class
Adding data about related elements
Editing connectors of an element
Editing Diagram connectors in a spreadsheet
Adding and editing connectors
Deleting connectors
Export to and Import from Excel
Open an Excel spreadsheet
Importing data
Adding bulk data to EA
Show connectors from a Smart Sheet
Open a Smart Matrix from a sheet
Validating a Sheet
Conditional Formatting for Sheets
Manage Smart Tags
Smart Tags
Example 2
Frequently Asked Questions – eaSheets