
Home Forums eaDocX queries Document after compare in Word does not open in eaDocX Reply To: Document after compare in Word does not open in eaDocX

Home Forums eaDocX queries Document after compare in Word does not open in eaDocX Reply To: Document after compare in Word does not open in eaDocX

Jaromir Kuzelka

Thank you for response.
Well, I think this kind of usage could be quite common. So I would suggest to investigate the behavior and make eaDocX compatible with this scenario.

I also understand that Word is behaving extremely complex and mysterious, so it is hard to make it work at any occasion.

Add “take a copy of the eaDocX generated document”: please, what is suggested long term lifecycle of documents combining both written part and generated part to avoid loss of data and structure information for eaDocX? Making copies prior to any changes does not look comfortly to me, especially in iterative tuning prior to release new version. Every wrong step could ruin the work by losing the information needed for eaDocX to generate the doc.

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