
Home Forums eaDocX queries Cant generate EADoc for models in mySQL repository Cant generate EADoc for models in mySQL repository

Home Forums eaDocX queries Cant generate EADoc for models in mySQL repository Cant generate EADoc for models in mySQL repository

rick sipin

Well I just installed the fix, and the problem is slightly different. Not sure why the EA and MySQL DB Drivers don’t communicate well on table name cases, but your fix has changed the table name T_OBJECTPROPERTIES to all upper case, and MySQL has this table name in lower case. I now get the error that table ‘myschema.T_OBJECTPROPERTIES’ doesn’t exist.

Would you be able to get me a build to test where you force the table names to be lower case? If so, I’ll give it a test again as soon as I see your note.

-Rick Sipin

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