
Home Forums eaDocX queries Cant generate EADoc for models in mySQL repository Cant generate EADoc for models in mySQL repository

Home Forums eaDocX queries Cant generate EADoc for models in mySQL repository Cant generate EADoc for models in mySQL repository

rick sipin

So here’s the result of a test that I ran. Again, here’s the versions we’re running which we’ve had decent luck with most eaDocX features using a MySQL repository:
MySQL 5.0.77 redhat-linux-gnu(x86_64)
MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver
eaDocX Professional Edition (updated recently to
EA Version 10.0.1004

We’re running win7 – 32 bit clients and a few XP clients.

I had our MySQL repository cloned, and renamed all of the tables, and updated the tablenames in the usystables table to all be uppercase (i.e. T_OBJECT). Unfortunately, something in EA immediately took issue to this, and I could not open the repository, and was getting all sorts of errors where EA is expecting (through SQL pass-through I’m sure) lower case table names. At this point, I may try adjusting just the few places where we’re seeing eaDocX operation raise an error because of the expectation of an uppercase table name (as I mentioned in earlier post), but we may end up moving from mySql anyway. If you want most of the documentation features and EA to work using a MySQL repository, I’d still recommend the configuration we’ve had running for about 3 years now.

  • This reply was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by rick sipin. Reason: version correction

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