
Home Forums eaDocX queries Document based on a diagram Document based on a diagram

Home Forums eaDocX queries Document based on a diagram Document based on a diagram

Neil Clayton

I’ve actually used a Report section based on an EA Search based on a SQL query which delivers my elements in the order that I want them sorted in. However when I view the document gernated in draft mode by EADocX it seems to have lost my sort order. Is this because I ran it in draft mode or does EADocsX never let you specify the order?

I have tried generating it in draft but this seems to hang my machine. Or to be specific EA becomes unresponsive and Word occupies 25% of my cycles on a 4 core machine. It seems to insert all the content OK but never seems to complete the step after that — of course I could be being too impatient but I have waited about an hour for it to complete with Word reporting the generated document to be only 10 pages long.

  • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by Neil Clayton. Reason: Added more detail

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