
Home Forums eaDocX queries element “Run State” element “Run State”

Home Forums eaDocX queries element “Run State” element “Run State”


Thanks, I found. There was other question.

I created the class “A”, I added to it the A123 attribute. I created a instance of a class “A” with the name “test”. I established value through “Set run state” in the A123 attribute. Result in an attachment 10.png

I created the document and in a template for “object” added “Run state variables” sub-elements. I made unloading of section for the test:A element. Result in attachment 11.png

The question – that needs to be made, that in the table “Run state variables” unloading also “Operator” and “Value” values for each variable?

Repeate this for “deployment specification” (model 20.png).
2.1) But in template for “deployment specification” sub-elements “attributes” or “Run state variables” – not avaible (21.png) :blink:
2.2) How define template/profile for instance of “deployment specification”? It not found in list of avaible element types and not specialize as “object” and common “object” profile not applicated for it.

  • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by jopirx.

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