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Home › Forums › eaDocX queries › Table Width or auto width › Re: Table Width or auto width
If you want to change the width of the table manually, just select the ‘Profile’ tab in eaDocX, and select the type of EA element you are printing (Use Case, Class, Requirement etc). Then, in the ‘Table Formatting’ page, slide the columns to be the width you need, as you would with a spreadsheet column.
We provide a rough guide as to how wide a ‘standard’ A4 page will be, but this is only approximate.
There’s not an option to automatically set the width of a table (I guess you mean set it to the width of the page) as it’s very difficult to calculate how wide the page will be – we need to calculate based on page size, margins, gutters etc, and we can’t get it to work reliably.
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