
Home Forums eaDocX queries Unnecesary caption style generated Unnecesary caption style generated

Home Forums eaDocX queries Unnecesary caption style generated Unnecesary caption style generated

Heather Wallace

I’m also having problems with empty lines. Many of my elements include tables of related requirements. There are two or three tables each relating to a different requirement relationship and the tables are generated using the Related Elements function, so that I only have to define a small set of requirements tables that can be reused in different contexts. I get an extra line between the end of teach table and the next table (related elements) heading, and have to remove these from the document after generation.

If I define the table as relationship attributes instead, the extra line does not appear, but if I want to make a small change to the table I have to do it in several places.

Although I can see the benefit of the extra line in many cases, it would be great to have the option to suppress it.

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