
Home Forums eaDocX queries Accessing InformationItem Description for flow

Home Forums eaDocX queries Accessing InformationItem Description for flow

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  • #6836
    Heather Wallace


    In a document section that deals with a specific component, I want to add a table of the names and descriptions of data elements it passes via information flows to other components.

    The relationship attributes allow me to put the name in a table (using the InformationItems option), but there is no InformationItem Description option.

    I thought I would be able to handle the conveyed InformationItem as a related element, but there seems to be no way to navigate to the conveyed InformaitonItem.

    Any suggestions?


    eadocX Support

    I see your problem.
    This whole InformationItem thing is a corner of EA which I’ve not visited before.
    As you say, you can print the, or a hyperlink to the InformationItem, but these appear like attributes of the underlying connector, not elements in their own right.
    I can’t quite see how to do this, as it upsets some quite fundamental parts of eaDocX.
    One work around might be to use the Hyperlink option, then get eaDocX to print a Element Report, Cross-reference style, which will print all the items which you reference via the Information Item.
    I’ll have another dig around for v3.4, but I’m not confident…..

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