
Home Forums eaDocX queries Can eaDocX manage EA-based <>s?

Home Forums eaDocX queries Can eaDocX manage EA-based <>s?

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  • #6514
    Wayne Stidolph

    In my Project Model I created an EA Document Artifact (Documentation Toolbox), named “<>DocPlan” then I double-click on it and EA gives me a word processor interface. I write some notes about my DocPlan and close it up. So, I think the contents are now stored somehow in EA’s DB. But, as far I’m concerned, it’s a document … so, can I integrate its handling under eaDocX? Is there a way to get eaDocX to generate <>DocPlan content into a managed external Word Doc?

    Or, is there a way to get eaDocX to create an empty Word doc for e to bring relevant standards/practices docs, as tailored for the project at hand, into the same CM regime as the eaDocX-generated docs?

    eadocX Support

    First part – what EA creates is a LinkedDocument attached to the <>Artifact, which eaDocX will happily print. Beware of putting too much fancy formatting into LDs, as they tend to mess-up Word documents, as Word can’t tell the difference between EA-generated text and LD text.

    Second part: We deliberately don’t have such a ’empty document’ mechanism. This is because in my ‘proper’ job as a BA, we always store this kind of boilerplate text (if that’s what you mean) in their own EA Packages, with any diagrams saved as EA diagrams.
    That way, the text is available to any model reader, and any eaDocX document. This is great for things like ‘Introduction to the Project’, which is a fairly common thing to include in a document. We also keep our model standards in EA, also as EA words & diagrams, and that also is printable. Doing things this way also avoids formatting problems.
    ‘hope the answers your question…

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