
Home Forums eaDocX queries Compact Structured Scenario Output

Home Forums eaDocX queries Compact Structured Scenario Output

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  • #6739
    Robyn Allsman

    I am currently using the Profile provided in the ‘Exploring- Compact Use Cases’ document to format our Use Case Structured Scenarios in the compact table format. Kudos to the developer of that layout; it is so much easier to follow than the usual SS layout.

    There is one feature which I would like to change for the sake of reader clarity but I can’t seem to access the relevant eaDocX object. When an Alternate Route is specified for a step, it is indicated in the Basic Path’s “Steps Summary” by the phrase “(see <>):. For the sake of reader clarity I would like that “see” to be changed either to: “else see” or “else” or “see Alt:”. The current unadorned “see” has been misunderstood by management readers unfamiliar with how alternate paths are represented.

    Is the eaDocX object ‘Steps Summary’ an object over which I can gain access in order to modify that pre-defined string? I’m just starting out with eaDocX so if you can direct me to where I find the definition of ‘Step Summary’ profile, I will attempt to fix the issue myself. If it’s not possible for a mere mortal to access that object, then I respectfully ask eaDocX to consider fixing it in a future release.

    There is another anomaly I just noticed, too. The final step **number** printed in the ‘Steps Summary’ is always one font size larger and emboldened than all previous steps; this happens for Basic Path and Alternates. The on-line ‘Compact User Cases’ document shows the font change but doesn’t show the emboldening which is occurring in my eaDocX output.

    I’m posting to the forum since my attempt at opening a Support Issue is stuck in eternal wait mode. For completeness: our product specs are: eaDocX Corporate Ed: 3.3.10, EA Corporate Ed: 9.3.934, MS Word 2007, MS Excel 2007

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