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Home Forums Model Expert queries configuring Model and validation

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  • #10430
    Marie Due

    Hi dear Support team
    we use ea with postgresql
    we just installed model expert. and when we want to generate package dashboard
    it seemed that we need OLEDB for postgresql, but after some confirmation of dialog boxex we can see dashboard (some parts is loaded from database missing due to errors)
    we get the following error and after click OK
    microsoft dotnet framework raise the next one
    the first error is
    Enterprise Architect
    Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers [0x80004005]

    ERROR: function cstr(integer) does not exist;
    Error while executing the query
    [ OK ]
    and the net one from dotnet framework is attached
    it seemed that we have inconsistent data in our model, if yes is there any model evaluator?

    Ian Mitchell

    Hi Marie
    This looks like an incompatibility between DBMS types – it always seems to be postgrSQL which causes the problems!
    I am investigating….

    Ian Mitchell

    OK – found the problem. Seems like postgreSQL does casting of variables slightly diffrently to SQlServer and the other DBMSs.
    I THINK I have fixed this, but I haven’t tested every bit of SQL, so please re-post here is you find any more issues.
    Sorry for the problem – issue is resolved in v2.2.3.0, now available for you to download.

    Marie Due

    Hi Dear Ian
    thank you so much,
    I Downloaded v2.2.3.0 and everything is OK and none of the previous error occured,
    but in some of our package when we want to generate dashboard we get the attached error from dotnet framework “object reference not set to instance of an object”
    and after pressing continue “elements” , “Diagrams” , “Packages” , “Word Cloud” and “Complexity” is empty,

    Ian Mitchell

    Thanks Marie – is it possible for you to post an XMI of one of your packages which shows this error? I tried it on a few test cases, but your data is clearly a bit different from all of them! Please remove any confidential data from the XMI – I just need the structure.

    Marie Due

    Thanks Ian,
    I exported the package to xml as the attached file,
    but when I imported it for test in a new file based repository, there was no error.
    it seems that if I export entire model in xml then import it in a new file based repository there is no error on generating dashboards.
    anyway I attached xml file for you and If you want I can send you a backup of our model in postgresql format containing desired package
    many thanks

    Marie Due

    file of previous post.

    Marie Due

    file attached again

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by Marie Due.
    Marie Due

    Hi Ian
    whats up !?

    Ian Mitchell

    Hi Marie,
    Thanks for the test file. Good idea to send it as a Zipped .txt file – I just renamed it to .XML, and it loaded fine into my PostgreSQL test database.
    Just like when you loaded it into a new repository, it seems to create the dashboard OK. I tried to create a meta-model diagram from the dashboard, and there was a temporary error, but then it displayed OK.
    …your test data didn’t touch quite a lot of the function Model Expert, as there are no connectors.

    When a package creates errors like this, but then they go away when the package is exported and re-imported into a new repository, this shows that there are low-level inconsistencies in the source data. Lots of these are easily removed using the Ea built-in EA integrity check (Configure / Model / Integrity / Project Integrity), but it doesn’t find everything.
    Taking a backup, exporting the package to XMI, deleting the package, then re-importing it works well, though beware if the package is heavily liked to other parts of the model.
    Less dangerous way is to try Model Expert on sub-packages, and see which one creates the error, then repeat the steps above on a much smaller scale.
    I hope this helps

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