
Home Forums eaDocX queries Customization table required in eadocx.

Home Forums eaDocX queries Customization table required in eadocx.

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  • #9897

    Hi Support team.

    We are trying to generate a table with Requirement and Block, which could be Requirement description, Block name.

    How do we inject table like this in to generated document:

    Requirement ID Block name

    Req1 Mobile

    Req2 Laptop

    Please us know if any details required .


    • This topic was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by sekar.
    Ian Mitchell

    Did you try using a new section with an Element Report in it? Element Reports can be made from elements from anywhere in the model.
    If you want it to be put inside another section, that eaDocX can’t do that.
    And there is always the ultimate option of creating your own script to document elements of that type – but this requires programming.


    Thankyou. Sorry for late reply.

    Yes, we have tried and created an Element report as a new section, It doesn’t work for us. Please suggest how do we create the Element report for our Model.


    Ian Mitchell

    There was an issue with creation of Element Reports, under some circomstances.
    Fixed in v5.0.5 now on the website.
    This also has a new feature to allow you to choose ‘any stereotype’ or ‘no stereotype’ as options on element reports.
    Sorry for the issue.


    Hi support team,

    We have installed latest version of v5.0.5. We are not able to generate the table of Requirement to block elements report.

    How do we set up this element reports.


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by sekar.
    Ian Mitchell

    Do you mean that Element Reports are not working in this version, or that the document does not look how you want ?


    Yes, it seems to be not working for me An example of Element report to the requirement. As well we will have to generate a report table relation to the other elements.

    Attached is table that we want generate.


    Ian Mitchell

    I still don’t fully understand where the problem is.
    Your example looks like a simple list of <>Requirement elements, some of which have a related <Class element.
    Is the problem that these requirements, in your example, are (nested) child requirements of another requirement? And they all – parent and children – have the same stereotype?
    If this is the case, then you really do have a problem: to print the parent <Requirement, it probably needs to print ‘inline’, with a table of other requirements linked to it via a ‘nesting’ relationship – using a Relationship Table. But eaDocX only allows you to print attributes of the ‘nesting’ connector, or the child requirement – not things which relate to the target requirement.

    This may be one of those example where, because eaDocX has a finite set of capabilites, you just can’t do what you need using the out-of-the-box function, so you will need to either write a script, or print the data in a differnet way.

    If the children have a different stereotype from the parent, then it’s easy – just create different Profiles for the two stereotypes. As it stands, you kind-of want the same stereotype to print in two different ways, depending on whether it’s a parent or a child. And eadocX can’t do that.

    There’s an important more general point here. If you choose to generate your documents from EA – using any generator application – then there will always be restrictions on how things can look. You get all the bebefits of generate document, and this is the price.


    Thanks. Yes, i understand it. I am able to fixed the issues and settings. I am able to created an Element report. Which is works fine.

    See in screen shot of 4.

    How can we generate a Block name as hyperlinked. Example is see in screen shot of 5. We tried with Single attribute. it doesn’t work. Please let us know if need details



    Thanks. Yes, i understand it. I am able to fixed the issues and settings. I am able to created an Element report. Which is works fine.

    See in screen shot of 4.

    How can we generate a Block name as hyperlinked. Example is see in screen shot of 5. We tried with Single attribute. it doesn’t work. Please let us know if need details


    Ian Mitchell

    I understand WHAT you want to do.
    I don’t yet understand WHERE you want to do it. Is this a stand-alone table, or a table which is part of something else?


    Great thank you. Yes, It is stand-alone table. we should print an element report into eadocx template. That is block name as hyper-linked. An example shows in the table. We tried with Single attribute it prints something. How can we resolve it. Let us know If any further details needed.


    Ian Mitchell

    Sorry, but I still don’t understand what you want.


    Sure, Attached is eadocx setup to the Element report for block. We set a STANDARD ATTRIBUTE – Name. i.e first column in attached table.
    Other name we defined as a Single Attribute. i.e 3 rd column. this Single Attribute is not correct format as a STANDARD ATTRIBUTE.

    More details I can send an email. please reply in that emails. Have a nice day.


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