
Home Forums eaDocX queries Customizing profiles in eaDocX

Home Forums eaDocX queries Customizing profiles in eaDocX

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    I have simple diagram with two features as presented on the attached file “Structure in EA.png”.
    There are two elements with some notes.
    I would like generate docx as presented in the attached file “Features.docx”. This file was generated directly from EA using simple template.

    in eaDocX the QuickDocument generates for me attached file “eaDocX Quick Document.docx”.
    So I do not know how to achieve following goals aksing You for advice:

    How to create the table with diagram elements showing element names and notes. I know that I should modify the profile (tab Profile) but I do not which object in this tab I should modify and how.

    How to remove/modify the content
    “Quick Document
    Produced using eaDocX ‘Quick Document’.”

    How to remove/modify the text “This document was created with an evaluation copy of eaDocX. This text will not appear if the document is generated with the full version of eaDocX.”

    Please respond to each point and guid me step by step how to achieve above.

    THANK you,

    eadocX Support

    All of these issues are described in detail in the help, which is available either from the application, from the website or in a downloadable PDF>


    Apologies but HELP is not helpful enough.

    I have a package with two diagram and one of them is a use case diagrams with actors (each of them is assigned to a given stereotype). I have generated QuickDoc and went to Profile tab. theer is Add Element button and when I press it I see very limited number of element types. There is nowhere ACTOR element.

    How could I add ACTOR element to the profile in this case?

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by Szymon.
    eadocX Support

    on the Profile tab, click ‘Add Element’, then choose Actor from the drop-down.
    All the eaDocX drop-down menus which list element types look into your model, and list only those element types which are in your model, not all the ones which EA allows.
    So it can’t find any Actor elements.


    That’s the point. I was expecting that eaDocx looks into my package and present all elements which are there. However it does not work as this.
    Thre is nowhere ACTOR element on the list while this elements exist on my diagrams in EA.

    Pls look at the attached print screens. They wil let you understand my dagrams and what I see in the Add Element drop down menu.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by Szymon.
    eadocX Support

    Looks like there are only the default elements in that list. eaDocX has failed to read your database to find all the element types which you have used!
    What DBMS do you use, or is this from an .EAP?
    Also, there is a technical trace: please can you enable this, and try again to do what you want, then send me the trace results – this lets me look into what eaDocX is doing.



    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by Szymon. Reason: duplication

    I’m using postgreSQL repository.

    Would you pls advice how to enable technical tracing from EA?

    Many thanks,

    eadocX Support

    EA / Extensions / eaDocX / Help / Enable Technical logging.

    Also, we don’t do any testing with PostgreSQL database – you are the first eaDocX customer to use it, so it’s not something we plan to support.


    That’s sad about PostgreSQL…

    Would you pls let me know wher I could find the log traced items?


    BTW: what types of DBs are suppotred by eaDocX?
    What type is recomeded?

    eadocX Support

    We don’t recommend one, but we test with Oracle, SQLServer and MySQL, as well as .EAP

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